Wednesday, 4 August 2010

A Question please

Ever so fabulous bloggie friends!

I have a question to ask.

Why is it that the longer I stare at my blank word document trying to be at one with my writer-ly muse do I suddenly find that my phone is looking very sad?

Well it – or rather Bob as he shall now be known - is.

Charlie says: I am now Head of Quality Control and this one needs some editing. Fail.

To all friends of woofies and kitties and other creatures. Skelly the sweet doggie rescued by Wesley needs all the purrs and grrrs we could muster to help. Please go here for why. Thank you.

Have a warbling Wednesday everyone!


notesfromnadir said...

Don't let Bob distract you! Write. & write well so Charlie doesn't fail you!

Will check out the link.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Never thought of naming my phone...


Oh dear handsome muse you must help your ever so clever non fur friend!


Hello Charlie!
I see you blogging you are ever so smart!



MeganRebekah said...

I teared up reading Skelly's blog. I just adopted my new dog from our local shelter, and it broke my heart to see all those dogs in there, knowing that so many won't make it out. I'm glad that Skelly has someone to love him right now there, showing there is good existent, even in terrible situations.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We're purring for Skelly too. Hey, that is why your phone looks so sad, it is worried about Skelly too. Keep reading Charlie!

Jacqueline said...

Maybe you should walk away from the writing and do other things that are kind of "mindless" like cleaning house or exercising (I know=YUCK!), but something that allows your mind to wander (not the computer, tv or reading) and maybe something inspiring will just come to you while you are doing those boring mundane things?...Just a thought=best of luck!...Kisses to Charlie...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Amy & the house of cats said...

Um, Bob looks sad because he is frowning. Maybe you could write about Bob and he would be happy again. Maybe he is just naturally frowny, but really is happy anyway.

Charlie sounds like he is being a bit of a slavedriver on this one - of course I can't really tell from the picture - maybe it does need editing. Cats acan be tough taskmasters.

And we are purring and praying so hard for Skelly!

Catherine said...

Hmmm.... I think 'Bob' does look a little sad. Perhaps you could turn him to face the other direction so he doesn't distract you. ;)

Take care,

PS - after catching up on your posts I MUST see Toy Story 3 now! LOL!

Summer Frey said...

Because you should come hang out on Twitter instead!! It's procrastination station!

The Chair Speaks said...

LOL! It does look sad! LOL!

Hart Johnson said...

Maybe give yourself permission not to start at the beginning. I often write a later scene or two to get to know my characters. Another option is switching media--jump from computer to paper or vice versa. Just one page a day finishes a book in a year, so you don't need volumes. You just need to write! Good luck!

Katnip Lounge said...

LOL! Your phone DOES look sad! And see, Bob gave you something to write about.

Charlie is sure a rough Editor!

Sharde(Shar-day) said...

Could be that the arrows look like whining eyes and the upside down receiver button looks like a frown. Just my thoughts, of course.

Now, get back to writing. And tell that muse of yours to get his/her butt in gear.

fairyhedgehog said...

Poor, lonely, little phone!

I don't stare at a blank document, I go off and do something else. I often write part of my stories in my head when I'm out for a walk. Then I have something to put down when I come to write.

Ellie Garratt said...

I think Bob is secretly known as Procrastination Bob, either that or you've not been paying him enough attention. Tell Bob you do love him, but that he needs to recharge his batteries for a while. Then get writing!

Lexi said...

No! No! Never name an electronic device!

You will feel terrible when the time comes to dump it. I cried driving away from the recycling centre, leaving Percival the Peripheral behind with other abandoned printers and similar detritus of modern life...

Anonymous said...

I see you too write in that 'Edit HTML' form and not in the 'Compose' one... hah, we do have things in common!

Em said...

Milo, says hi..x
That poor dog, when I looked I thought it was a greyhound at first, it was that thin!
Hope he gets better and finds a loving home.x

Marg said...

Good boy Charlies for trying to get your Mom motivated to get going on that blank page. Tell her never mind staring at the phone. Just start typing and something will come out. Maybe she could write about Bob and all the jobs a phone does.
Have a great job and Charlie you are looking great.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Bob is sad because you can't think what to put on paper - talk to Bob and suddenly you will be hit by inspiration - if not have a glass of wine that's bound to help.

Guinevere said...

Write write write! The phone will be there... later... :)

Of course, I despise talking on the phone. I suffer through it for my mom, MJ and to make massage appointments - other than that, I try to avoid the thing.

JE said...

Your phone does look like it's frowning! And now I must go name my phone. ;-)


Susan Fields said...

It's a good thing you've got Charlie on Quality Control! Don't want any "fails" getting through. :)

Unknown said...

You've got a great proofreader there! Cats do an purrfectly awesome job of editing!

Creepy Query Girl said...

that pic is too cute. I'll be sure to check out your furry friend's situation. Your phone does look kind of sad. Something about the shape is kind of droopy eyed. Poor thing.

Kea said...

Hmm, Bob is being a distraction. I like Jacqueline's suggestion to do something mindless for a while, let your Muse work in the background. Or Hart's suggestions. Good luck!

Apparently Charlie's muse is fully engaged already, with his edits. :-)

Bossy Betty said...

Bob is just testing you! Charlie, could you please come over here and edit once you are done there? Thanks!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Maybe you need to move Bob to somewhere he can't distract you?????

Looks like you're doing an excellent job, sweet Charlie.

We will be purraying for Skelly.

Love from us to you.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Once you get over the inertia of starting, continuing writing will be easier.

Hemingway would suggest just writing one true sentence of the scene in your mind -- the rest will follow once you do.

Thanks for leaving all the great comments on my blog that you do. Roland

Talli Roland said...

Bob does look rather sad. Poor Bob. Perhaps he needs a Bloody Mary? Or chocolate?

Hi Charlie!

Ann said...

Poor Bob! Competing with computer screen and Charlie! Bob hasn't got a chance. No wonder you are feeling sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

Your phone looks like a shoe!

Jackee said...

Your phone and my facebook account should talk! :o) They're both distracting us from writing.

It's a good thing you have Charlie to set you right.

Have a great day!

Felted House said...

Your phone DOES look sad, you're right.
He needs a small smile sticker put over his sad downturned mouth, then he will be a more cheerful companion for you, not that Charlie isn't perfectly sufficient for a companion!! xx

Theresa Milstein said...

Bob would ring if I had your number!

Charlie, fail? I've never seen a fail post yet!

The ways we can distract ourselves....

laughingwolf said...

unconscionable what some do to other creatures GRRRRRRRR

throw bob out the window... or make him sit facing the corner :P lol

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

LOL...your phone does look a little put out. Isn't it amazing the things we find to distract ourselves!

Purring very hard for Skelly!