Patient bloggie friends, my results are in!
Yep I got my final assessment of my first three chapters of my ahem… Work In Progress formerly known as A Novel - from my Open University writing course.
And here they are in a nutshell
The grading is: Excellent, Good, Clear Pass, Bare Pass, Fail
Language - good
Voice - good
Structure - clear pass
Ideas -good
Presentation - good
Overall: Grade B, Level 2 or 78% average.
Charlie says: Not to worry. I'll help you after I scratch the life out of this sofa.

Have a tantalizing Thursday everyone!
Yep I got my final assessment of my first three chapters of my ahem… Work In Progress formerly known as A Novel - from my Open University writing course.
And here they are in a nutshell
The grading is: Excellent, Good, Clear Pass, Bare Pass, Fail
Language - good

Voice - good

Structure - clear pass

Ideas -good

Presentation - good

Overall: Grade B, Level 2 or 78% average.

Charlie says: Not to worry. I'll help you after I scratch the life out of this sofa.

Have a tantalizing Thursday everyone!
Hi Charlie
hahaaha that picture of you was so adorable.
We think those people juding your Mom are stupid.
Chin up! I think you are well above average and your teacher was just being a little harsh. Keep working and never, never give up!
That's great! Which course is it you're doing?
I think structure is the hardest part...and the las tto fall into place after endless rewrites. So don't worry about that!
Nothing to complain about. It's just 1 person's opinion & it's a work in progress. That's why they're called that, they're meant to improve w/ each draft. Grades mean nothing. I've gotten all kinds of grades in English classes in school. I just kept plugging along.
I worked w/ a guy back in my retail days who was a part time employee & had no clear goals or ambitions in life. Well, he just wanted to meet a lotta women. But he told me he was a college graduate & had taken journalism & gotten an "A" in it. He said he was good at it. But he had no desire whatsoever to try to get on w/ a newspaper or do any writing. There was no passion for it, like there is w/ you & how you keep writing day after day.
Hi Charlie, keep on scratching as long as you're allowed to!
I'm just thrilled that you have something to enter in my submissions contest!
Sounds like you got robbed. Although a B isn't too bad - it could have been worse. But still, I would have given you higher marks.
And I am sure that Charlie will do his best to make you feel better, but really it isn't that bad!
Give yourself a pat on the back!
You are doing good! And keep at it; keep on writing! :)
I would be very happy with that grade! Job well done!
The faces don't match the grades. Do you need me to send you the link of some of the great writers whose books were rejected with nasty comments?
Okay, I'm going to find it. I'll be right back.
I'm back. Here it is:
Remember, it's a WIP. Keep working on it. Make it better. You can do it! xo
Hey, you know what to work on, and next time you'll score even higher!
Waitaminnit! As a Professional Scientist, I am going to inform you that 78% is well to the RIGHT of the bell curve.
And as a Blogging Pal, I am going to inform you that I enjoy your writing quite a lot!
Furthermore, the Kats would like to claw your sofa, too. Now that is ULTIMATE approval.
I'm glad Charlie is there to help you. Can you send him over to help me?
Those smiley faces are cute, even though they're crying. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure your work is better than "good".
Good job-I hope you share your writing with us.
I'm not sure why the tears about good? I get the feeling you're disappointed. I'm sorry. I hope Charlie cheers you up.
Jenn, you are obviously a talented writer and I hope you will take your teacher's suggestions and continue on your literary journey toward your bright future!...What you create matters in this world!...Even Charlie believes that=he is trying to create a masterpiece on your sofa :)!...Have a great day friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
This is good ! Well done! And a bit mystified that you seem downcast :)
Great marks Kitty for a WIP. Well done. Pat yourself on the back. Now you now what to work on and your next draft will be super.
For a work in progress you have a strong collection of marks.
Your novel doesn't have to be excellent (or even good) yet. That is what feedback is for!
But those sound like good results!!! Well done! Tho we would buy a Charlie novel.
Grade B or 78% is pretty darn good! You've got a lot to celebrate. For a start you wrote the first three chapters and sent them for assessment, and you didn't have any bare passes or fails.
Those were very good marks... but I suspect you're a perfectionist!!
Structure wise, my novel lost 20,000 words when Tor took it on due to structural changes they wanted to make, so I'm sure I'd have received a definite FAIL on that one!
I'm also dyslexic, so FAIL and FAIL again.
Keep writing Old Kitty, that's the key to all of it.
Oh forgot to say, Charlie's a brilliant editor, just tape a red pen to his paw and let him loose.
We love the picture of Charlie - doesn't scratching feel good.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Jenn - 78% isn't a bad mark probably your tutor marks you in that way to keep you on your toes and to make you strive harder to become a great writer.
Take care and have a glass of wine.
nothing wrong with those numbers, keep plugging away... with or without charlie's help ;)
Congratulations! We're sure that an A would have been far more appropriate!
I think a B is darn good. I admire you for just trying to write stuff. And now you know what areas you need to do a little work on. Isn't it all a learning process.
Good job Charlie attacking that couch. Looks like you are doing a great job. Have a great day.
I think those are very good marks also! Nothing to be disappointed over or discouraged about. Definitely well ABOVE average!
(((Hugs))) to you and big smooches to adorable Charlie.
Why all the sad faces? Look at all those goods! I doubt they give out too many excellents - that means there's no room for improvement, and we all have room for improvement!
I give you an A for effort. I give Charlie an A for scratching and napping. Chin up, baby! You are making progress!
Not to worry, that's why it's called 'art'. Keep at it, structure tends to be the last piece to get polished when I write.
Keep her spirits up Charlie, great works require time and will.
78% is great! I hope your tutor is also giving you helpful feedback on how you can improve your grades even more.
You will get that excellent in no time, honey!! With Charlie by your side, awesomeness is possible. Nuff said.
... I think your excellent and
they look like v.good grades to me - are you a bit harsh on yourself old kitty? Remember grades are always marked up and down to suit a class average and make sure have a little celebration!
hehehe, way to go, Charlie!!!!!!!
We think you did really well in your course....and of course, the proof of the pudding is in what people that read your writing think of it....and you know we all love it!!!!
And we love you and Charlie.
But thaat's pretty good, non? Anyway, novels are so subjective...
I'll help you scratch, too.
I think that is darn good! Remember, teachers often think they know it all, but don't tell them too Charlie!
A B is very good and you should keep it up. I think you have so much talent. Love Charlies picture.. HUgs GJ xx
this is good. this is what editing is for, then it will be a grade A! :-D
Based on the structure of the marks a "good" = a "distinction".
They may not be "high distinctions" but still shouldn't be sneezed at.
Charlie will sort it for you.
While you don't sound overly-enthusiastic, that is a pretty darned good place to be for an early draft. The storytelling is part of the first draft, but the ART--THAT is in the rewrites (which I would not even THINK about until the book is done--get your writing legs steady, give yourself some time and space, and THEN come back to rewrite.
just wondered what Charlie's opinion of this video is - personally I think the cat was fairly smart and definitely had an original approach to taps.
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