Sunday, 1 August 2010

Penguins in Battersea Birthday Blog

Charlie is ever so excited!

Because this year is the 150th Anniversary of of Battersea Dogs' and Cats' Home - the oldest dogs and cats home in the UK. Opened in 1860 it started as "the Temporary home for Lost and Starving Dogs" established by "Mrs Mary Tealby ", gawd bless her!

For a historical timeline of this organisation click here.

It is also the 75th anniversary of the wonderful Penguin Books

Established in 1935 it's main aim was to "make great literature available to everyone at an affordable price". For more, click here.


Oh and today is my SEVENTH MONTH blog birthday! Yay!

Charlie is thrilled! Yes he is!!

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sunday everyone!


Beth Zimmerman said...

Well Happy Blog Birthday and whatever other celebrations you choose to indulge in! :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think all of those are good reasons for a celebration...and I see Charlie already started!

notesfromnadir said...

Lots of nice & slightly different anniversaries going on! Yes, Charlie sure looks thrilled about them! :)

Al said...


I hope Charlie can contain himself.

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations on your 7 month blog birthday!...Charlie is looking so adorable, I just want to bury my face in that awesome tummy floof and snuggle that sweet boy!...Enjoy the day friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Theresa Milstein said...

I had no idea so many exciting events occurred on August 1st.

It's still July 31st here, so I've been busy celebrating Harry Potter Day. Well not really busy, but I did remember it's his birthday.

My cat, Shaggy looks about as excited as Charlie sleeping next to me on the love seat.

Katnip Lounge said...

OMC! We can hardly stand the excitement...Charlie, you lead the way.

Srsly, Happy Everything! We're glad you are ours (and Mommy's) blogging pal.

Susan Fields said...

Congrats on your anniversary! Charlie has a lot to be excited about. :)

And I agree, God bless Mrs. Mary Tealby!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Go Charlie!!! Here is to millions and squillions of more birthdays!!

fairyhedgehog said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

I can't believe I've only known you seven months!

Kea said...

Congratulations on 7 months of blogging! Hurrah!

Yes, we see how "thrilled" Charlie is. LOL. Smooches to him! Have a great Sunday.

Anonymous said...

congrats of 7 months of blogging!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday, handsome Charlie!!!

- Reenie & Sherkhan :)

Marg said...

Now Charlie we do NOT want you getting so excited about all those birthdays and anniversaries. Congrats to Jenn on her seven months. Well done. And we know Charlie, you were a huge help and that is why you have to take so many naps, cause you are just exhausted.
Have a great Sunday.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Congratulations on your 7th month of blogging anniverary to Jenn and Charlie - we like your blog very much. Is this the anniversary where you have to have a glass or two of wine Jenn??
Didn't know Battersea had been open as long as that - wonder how many dogs and cats have been through their gates.
We're pleased Charlie is managing a snooze again today.

The Creek Cats said...

Happy 7 months!! Woo hoo! Let's party!

Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing me a happy gotcha day!!!
♥ Saylor

Ellie Garratt said...

Congratulations on your blog birthday! How perfect to be sharing it with Battersea and Penguin Books.

Anonymous said...

Awesome milestones. :)

I have a blog award for you.


We think that is a cause for a whole lotta celebratin!

*woooooooooo oooooo hooooooooooo*

Bye Charlie!



Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Bravo for Battersea Dogs & Cats Home! They were ahead of their times ans set such a good expample!

I've alwasy lobved reading the classics that Penguin books sells..hooray for them!

Special hip hip hooray to you on your 7th month blog anniversary!

laughingwolf said...

saweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :)

yappy barfday :O lol

Jackee said...

Congrats on the blog birthday! And Mrs. Mary Tealby of Battersea sounds like an amazing person.

I hope you and Charlie have a wonderful celebration.

India Drummond said...

LOL! What a great collection of odd anniversaries. Charlie does indeed look excited!

The Monkeys said...

We would like to join in on the celebration! Charlie celebrates just like us!

Congratulations on 7 months! We wish you many, many more.

Ann said...

Charlie looks panned out from all the excitement.

Congrats on your 7 month birthday in the blogging world.

Love those Penguin books. Have shelves full of them.

Esme said...

7 months of blogging Happy Birthday-what a great way to celebrate and recognize the cat and dog home.

I am always sad when I am reading a good book and do not want it to end. I slow down my reading to make it last longer.

Bossy Betty said...

I can see Charlie is absolutely knocked out about the occasion. So am I!!! Happy Blog Birthday!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow congrats on 7 months - that is so awesome. And wow, 150 years of helping dogs and cats - that is a long time!

Charlie has good reason to be excited!!

Talli Roland said...

Lots of great celebrations there Old Kitty! Hope you had a few Bloody Marys... :)

Felted House said...

I love that Penguin on the logo for the books!
Charlie certainy looks thrilled about all the anniversaries! xx

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

oh what a sweet kitty. Love that black fluffy butt.