Monday, 30 August 2010

I scratch your back you scratch my bed

Bloggie friends who could do such a thing while I’m busy with my re-write?!?!

Charlie says: Ha-ha! That's got your attention!

Have a miscreant Monday everyone!

I'm still no nearer discovering who gave me the seeds...

Off I go to concentrate on my chapter 15!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maybe Charlie's clawing his way to China!

The Creek Cats said...

MOL! Way to go Charlie!!
Love the pic of you laughing. Too funny!

m.q said...

Hahahaha...happy monday to u and to Charlie
he is soooo cute

Brian's Home Blog said...

Way to go Charlie, the best thing to do is deny it though!

Katnip Lounge said...

Charlie! Well Done, you naughty bad boy! Ooooh, we luuurve bad boys...

Anonymous said...

Charlie does look like he is laughing!!! Be bad baby - be bad!

Jackee said...

Oh, no! I think the attention tactic worked. But good luck working on your rewrites--I'm assuming Chapter 15 is right in the thick of things--so pat yourself on the back! :o)

Have a wonderful week (minus the miscreant Monday). LOL!

Theresa Milstein said...

15?! Huzzah! I'm glad you to see you got past 9. You're way past 9!

My last cat couldn't stop scratching my couch. My father used to get so mad, but nothing we tried worked. It gives a couch character. : )

Travis Erwin said...

Miscreant Monday. I like it.

Jacqueline said...

Oh, no, Charlie is being a naughty boy and laughing about it!!MOL...Wow, you are already on Chapter 15=great job, Jenn!...Happy week, lovely friends...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Esme said...

Who did this? You would love this book-for anyone who has been to France the book brings back some fond memories.

Anonymous said...

I rather lost the thread on this one.

All the best, Boonie

Brigid O'Connor said...

Is Charlie actually laughing in that photo? And I thought only children wrecked your luck with your writing.

Private said...

Bad Charlie! Doesn't he have one of those scratching devices? Or a tree to sharpen his claws? Bad kitty...

Ellie Garratt said...

Oh no! Naughty Charlie!

Kea said...

Hmm, does Charlie have a cat condo to climb on and scratch? My suggestion: double-sided sticky tape, which is what I used with Annie until she learned not to use my couch as a scratching post. :-)

Chapter 15 already? Wow, way to go!

Anonymous said...

Haha... They say happy cats scratch more. Sherkhan must be really very happy... I had to replace my leather sofa after I adopted that little devil :D

The Monkeys said...

Wonderful work, Charlie! We're sure you'll get attention doing that!

Talli Roland said...

Oh no - CHARLIE! How could you? Let Old Kitty write in peace.

I wonder if Hemingway had to deal with such distractions?

Marg said...

Charlie, you didn't do that did you???? But you sure do have the right attitude if you did.
Wow, Chapter 15. You are moving right along Jenn.
Have a fantastic week.

Al said...

I bet it has got your attention.
Naughty Charlie! your crime is all the worse because I know for sure you have real scratching posts.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We think Charlie is being very creative with his paws and he is making your bed unique - he made us laugh with his laughing picture a great photo.
You seem to have really moved on with your rewrite Jenn that's six more chapters done in a flash.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

LOL that expression on his face is so funny! Good luck with Chapter 15, I bet it's awesome!

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, Charlie--you naughty boy! Our cat is slowly working her way around the area rug in our living room, removing the fringe a little at a time. She grabs the corner, then kicks with her feet... Oh well. I'd rather have pets than nice things...

laughingwolf said...

and you wonder why i no longer have cats? :P lol

Bossy Betty said...

Love what you've done with the chair, Charlie! How creative and inventive!!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

hehehe, well, we just KNOW that Charlie is innocent!!!!!!

Love to you both from all of us....and thank you for purring for mama....she is slowly getting better.

Rene said...

Charlie, you are a sassy kitteh!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh no poor chair.. But that laughing picture is priceless.. Hugs GJ xx

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my, Charlie! I thought my cat Bo was the king of scratchers, but Charlie has him beat!

It's good to be back home after my vacation ...and it sounds like you've been very busy!

notesfromnadir said...

Looks like Charlie has a fancy new scratching post!


Know what?
Momma got a new slip cover and when she took off the old one she nearly fainted because she didn't know one of us (PING) was using the top of the chair as a scratcher.


So she feels your Mom's pain...


Jenny Woolf said...

What a BAD CAT!!!!