Hello all, Old Kitty’s Muse here.
I thought I would take over her blog for today seeing as she is so poorly and frankly in need of a good scrub, a wash and I daresay, a thorough fumigation.
Bring on the vapours and wear your anti-swine flu masks!
As a Muse none of the above should really matter but she tries my patience continuously. I give her all the inspiration to stimulate her creative juices and she is still none the wiser with her creative writing as she ages and wrinkles.
Worse, her creative output is - to put it mildly – ATROCIOUS!
I look around me and all my sister muses are glowing with their charges who are winning competitions, working on their nth novel, getting published left right and centre, are tall, thin and gorgeous!
No ! That shouldn’t matter! But do you see why I despair? Now even she’s got me flicking through the latest issues of Grazia, Hello! and OK magazines. Ew.
And as for that cat…
Charlie says: One is not a-mused.

Sally Quilford is having a Takeover Blog Day today – where creatures take over one’s blog and wreak havoc and mayhem! This is my shoddy entry! LOL! I blame the Muse]
Have a whacky Wednesday everyone!