A Riddle by Old Kitty
He stalks across the snowy path
He jumps on walls and shows his wrath
He blends in with the virgin ice
He purrs and meows and looks so nice!
Who is this creature, this little beastie?
Why of course it’s the one and only Charlie!

Pics taken on the 5th of February when snow finally arrived! Yay!
Happy National Libraries Day, bloggie friends – please “use it, love it, join, it”!
To lovely Helena of Becoming Layla! I cannot access your blog - this nasty message keeps coming up:
"FORBIDDEN: You don't have permission to access / on this server"
I hope you are reading this – I am waving a big hello to you! Hope I’ll be unforbidden soon!
See y'all at Valentine's Day! Awwwww!
What? "virgin ice" don't tell Richard Branson owns the ice as well. Good grief :)
I reckon on Valentine's Day, you will not be able to get past your front door. What with all the cards from your adoring fans. Awwwwww!
Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses, Penny the Jack Russell dog who has manned, or should that be, dogged the keyboard. Wait, that doesn't sound right...xx
Hehe he'd blend right in if it wasn't for his tail. We've finally got snow too but I'm yet to see one of my cats in it.
Oh Charlie is so cute in the snow. I love the action shot.
Amazing photo...almost magical, really! Thanks, as always, for visiting and leaving your pawprint on our bloggie!
Wow Charlie - you can almost get lost in the snow except for your tail! Be careful! Stay warm and safe to your Mom too.
Amazing pictures! Amazing poem! Thanks for sharing.
Ah will you look at that? That is some snow. It's awsome, just like the awsome Charlie in it. very nicely done, the poem, the riddle, the color coordination and all :)
I think you have more snow that we do! And my, doesn't it look like Charlie's enjoying it :)
I have not been by your blog forever, and regret it! Your niece (her fingers) must be adorable. I saw a new baby girl at church today, and melted into a puddle just looking at her!
Charlie almost is invisible in the snow!
Charlie looks good! Read well.
Sally Ann and Andy
You blended right into the snow, Charlie! Your riddle made us laff and laff!
That was great poetry and great pics. We are so jellus of snow. Unseasonably warm here this winter. xoxo
awe that kittie is so pretty she blends perfectly in with the snow
Aw he's beautiful - Happy National Libraries Day x
A lamp post in the snow? He's off to Narnia!
Hi Old Kitty - Charlie looks as though he's enjoying himself - we didn't have quite so much down here on the south coast.
Happy Libraries Day is it .. and I had a post I could - well it'll have to wait for now!
Blogger is frustrating - so many people have challenges of one sort or another .. I wish Google had left it alone!
I can't comment on embedded comments - and it swallows comments occasionally ...
Hope the snow and ice don't disrupt your day too much .. cheers Hilary
Beautiful photo, Kitty. Hope you are keeping warm.
I have had a lot of viruses on my system too, I will be back to blogging at some stage:)
Love the riddle. Charlie certainly is camouflaged out there, at least from certain angles. :-)
It looks pretty, all that snow. Europe and the UK can keep it, though. LOL.
Awh Charlie is so sweet. Love his little poem.
No snow for us this year. But the monsoon season will soon be here.
Charlie looks well equipped to handle the snow. Although for some reason I thought he was an "inside" cat.
Oh Dog! I loved your riddle! woo woo woo!
Man, what a bunch of snow! Sure glad Charlie has some color to him, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see him.
Love your little "ode", "Old Kitty"!
We took a moment to find you in the picture Charlie - we hope you enjoyed the snow and made a snowcat! We had quite a dollop of snow too but when the sun came out it started to melt yesterday in the afternoon. We still have plenty left though so if Charlie would like to he can come over and play. Hope your journey to work is not to delayed.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Charlie and Bella would get along great! She loves the snow, too!
Stay warm- both of you!
LOL! omg--I love LOVE Charlie's poem! I could totally see him running and pouncing in the snow. Too cute. And here's to you getting unforbidden. :o) <3
Wonderful snowy photos of Charlie! He blends right in... except for the tail. :)
Oh beautiful Charlie, we can hardly see you in the snow!
YAY, libraries!!!
If it weren't for Charlie's dark tail he'd be lost in the snow, a ninja cat waiting to strike!
we have just one thing to say: brrrrrrrrr
Yay for Charlie in the snow! He looks so handsome! I will try to get to Helena's blog, or will email her otherwise to come see your message.
Oh Charlie, you look terrific out in the snow, but it does make my whiskers shiver!
Ahhhhh. Loved the Charlie Riddle-me-dee! He's quite at home in that snow, isn't he?
Darling Old Kitty -- thanks for the personal shout-out and concern about my blog. Yes, I discovered yesterday (Sunday) that something weird was up with the server it's on. It should be back up (fingers crossed) by tomorrow.
And Charlie is gorgeous -- he beats my funky-looking old cat hands down.
Charlie looks so cute in the snow! If not for that black tail, he's be perfectly in stealth mode.
Oh Charlie you are braver than me. I hate the stuff. I just love the pictures of pristine snow and your white furs they are really lovely.. Hugs GJ xx
Charlie is finally camouflaged!
I wish I could join a library. They don't have any English ones where I live. When I used to live in Canada, I used to go once a week or more.
That's a great riddle! And who could it be but the lovely Charlie.
Charlie looks quite regal in the snow. Stay warm.
That is a cute shot! Love that dark tail too.. so unexpected in all that white. :)
Really enjoyed this post, as we have zero snow so far this season here. :)
That's a great poem! Very cool! And those pics of Charlie in the snow, awesome! Thanks for sharing these with us.
Oh I love that poem for Charlie. I like Riddle-me-dee. You have so much snow. Here in Montana, land of the ski people, we have had hardly any snow and temps in the 40's...what's going on? What adorable picture of the Snow Bunny Cat.
Charlie looks very comfortable in the snow.
beautiful snow...and of course, beautiful Charlie!
wow that looks like a LOT of snow!! Those pictures are gorgeous.
I love the riddle!
That photo reminds me of the (wonderful) picture book Santa's Snow Cat; the cat in the story was identical. :) Except for the black spots, but they aren't visible there which is why it made me think of it. And now I'm rambling.
Happy National Libraries Day!
We love your poem and those pictures of you are fab!
and cold....
tee hee
Does Charlie like the snow? My cats absolutely hate it and won't go out at all. My poor kitties sit and wait by the window until spring arrives. Cute pics of curious Charlie ;)
Charlie is very courageous to brave that snow! ...maybe a little crazy. We hope he keeps his little paws warm!
xo Katie & Glogirly
Such gorgeous pictures of Charlie! Love the poem too. :o) That's a lot of snow!!
Charlie looks so angelic in the snow! Wonderful photo!
YAY for National Libraries Day and I think we need a "Stop Using Kindle" Day to keep the libraries in business!
Love the poem.
At least with that tail, you won't have to worry about losing Charlie in the snow.
Awesome!! I love the pictures! I didn't know Charlie had a black tail...so cool looking. Great riddle...put a smile on my face. :-)
Awww! cute... it's funny to see a white can look yellow in the snow. LOL
Happy Valentine's Day!
#AtoZChallenge 2012 Co-host
Look at all the lovely snow. We've had so little of it this year. Beastie/Charlie--like the rhyme! Look how brave he is trudging through all that white stuff.
Happy pre-Valentine's Day!
Lovely poem, Old Kitty! Charlie looks so nice out stalking the snowy path!
I'm glad you're happy about your snow. I'm not a fan, myself - but we've had very little this year, so I'm happy about that!
Charlie blends right in with the snow!
Beautiful Charlie pics! And love the rhyme. :-)
Charlie looks really cute.
Oh, he is definitely a snow cat!
Piccolo amico ai è un sacco di neve e freddo...Qui abbiamo solo freddo e molto
Già tirato fuori le pelli pelli foto entrato?
Ti sto dicendo!
Che cosa volevi dire per me stare attenti? Sai qualcosa che io non so o capito male!!!
Turrinhas di amico amorevole
Hey Charlie, you are seriously camouflage kitty! Hope your toes aren't too frosty.
Awww...a snow kitty. Great poem!
I love that first picture of Charlie. Maybe he was a snow leopard in a past life :)
Charlie looks like the snow. He's a beautiful beastie.
Wow, Charlie, you are a snow kitty. You really do blend right in. Was it really cold on those paws?? Looks like you are enjoying all that snow. Great picture. You two take care today.
WOW--that is a lot of snow! Charlie blends in so well with it. Does he mind cold paws?
We have had a mild winter so far in NYC. It has been a blessing to me as I am in the midst of clearing out many bags of donations form my Mom's house --a rather sad task.
I love the " National Libraries Day"! It should be a whole month of love for libraries.
Stay warm and enjoy making a snowman, Jenn!
good job he has that nice dark tail or you'd never see him:) good rhyme, love the virgin ice!:) No snow here, just a sneaky cold...
Hello OK! Thanks so much for sharing you darling story about your nephews! Now that you have a niece, too, I hope you'll have more stories for me in the future! LOL! Take care.
Charlie the snowcat. Nice!
Charlie the snow leopard. He looks so cute and so at ease in all that snow. It's a good thing he has that black tail or you might lose him in all that whiteness.
hii Charlie!! we love your picture
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family
"Here we see Charlie the mighty mountain lion, stalking his prey, the common mouse through the snow..."
Loved the riddle! And my kiddos would be jealous of all that lovely snow.
I wish we had snow. Charlie looks so cute playing in that white stuff. The poem made me smile!
Hehehe, my ferrets used to blend it too by digging tunnels through the snow.
Old Kitty, I left a comment note for you on Lynn Kelley's blog.
Nice blending, but hmm, Charlie's tail won't pass unnoticed in the snow!
awww, what a sweet sweet photo of Charlie and gosh, that's not bad poetry...you are pretty good!
Look at sweet Charlie blending in with the snow. I think you've had more snow than we have! Happy winter to you both!
Charlie's adorable. :-)
Charlie, we almost didn't see you out there in the snow, pal! :)
He looks adorable and almost blends into the snow. I loved the riddle.
Wonderful pictures, hope your little paws didn't get too cold!
Oh such beautiful snow!! Yep, lots of flights canceled that day.
Charlie looks almost mystical amidst all the beautiful snow.
Bless Charlie. He looks so at home! Loved the poem as well.
Charlie certainly does look at home in the snow!
Awww! I love it! You guys are awwwesome!! Hugs!!
Love those pics!! :)
So hard to believe we're almost at Valentine's Day already :)
I wish you a good weekend and does not esquessa the fetografia for the draw
Turrinhas and good weekend
Kika ♥ ♥ ♥
hey, we love the riddle... and the shot with that gorgeous fluffy tail and Charlie at its end.. so bold. We were born on Valentines Day so will be certain to visit you then :-)
Love Darcy and Bingley xxxx
Wpw, look at you Charlie, at last you have a chance to try out yer snow boots. Hope those fluffy bits are keeping warm in the snow. You only need a carrot and a little black topper, you could be a snow cat
You too huh about not letting you in :-) Thought it was just me everyone avoided :-)
Keep warm Charlie and make sure you hog the fire.... YOU DESERVE IT for going out there in the first place :-) X X X X
We got snow today & I don't care for it at all. Charlie is a crazy guy!
We'd love to feature you sometime on www.PetBlogsUnited.com. If you're interested you can send an e-mail to PBU at comcast dot net.
Nubbin wiggles,
Charlie, you blend in beautifully in the snow. Have a great weekend! Purrs!
we do not miss that snow stuff!!
That's the kind of photo that inspires poetry!!
Charlie looks all wintry and the flourish of his tail was a nice, added touch!
Have a happy Sunday!
great photo....I love the snow, we just don't get enough over here in the UK
Looooooovee the photos!
Charlie blends in very well with snow and I love the bit with his butt! :)
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