Well, my evil genius is my writer's block:

28 February sees the launch of the sequel to CassaStar by the yummy Alex J Cavanaugh!

The detection of alien ruins sends the exploration ship to the distant planet of Tgren. If their scientists can decipher the language, they can unlock the secrets of this device.
To complicate matters, the Tgrens are showing signs of mental powers themselves; the strongest of which belongs to a female pilot named Athee. Forced to train Athee's mind Byron finds his patience strained. All Byron wanted was his privacy….
Please visit Alex here! There's a chance to win a special CassaFire goody bag! There'a also a trailer here!
CassaFire will be available from 28th Feb here:
Barnes and Noble , Amazon, Amazon Kindle
This post will be up all week so thank you so much for reading! Happy March!!!
Aha, well firstly, great stuff that the Golden Eagle's Aerial Perspective's blog has reached the ripe old age of two :)
Secondly, excellent to note that Alex J. Cavanaugh is launching his sequel. Well done, Alex!
And oh yes, my evil genius is Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! I'm kidding Penny. Please forgive me! :)
Take care eh
writer's block IS evil! and a big congrats to Alex whose 2nd is almost here - very exciting!
Kitty, you are awesome!!! Thank you so much. May Santa bring you Daniel Craig this year.
Oh but I love your evil genius- your writers block!
Thanks to all the links.
My Evil Genius.....hmmmmmm, must be my evil twin Ryan...he does all the bad stuff, not me! I didn,t know it was Golden Eagles Blogoversary, thanks for telling us.
Good question...ummm, perhaps chocolate? dark in fact...love dark chocolate!
He must have trained my cat!
Seems like the thing that's really blocking your writing is the cat :)
I have experienced, once or twice at the beginning of my career, the actor's block. Which is not pleasing at all, when a crowd of a hundred or more is watching you!
Atta boy, Charlie! You've got rights too!
hii Charlie,
happy Monday!!
BoBo Salem, ChaCha, Kochie, Sachi, Oren and Damak Dimetrius
Awesome! I can't wait to read Alex's book.
I am so looking forward to reading Alex's newest work and the entry of the female pilot to his series.
My evil genius? I've got so many. Despair. Never enough time to write. Laziness.
Writer's block is the worst.
Congrats to all the blogge/authors!
lol, I love your evil genius... and of course Charlie is adorable as usual.
Wishing Alex the best for his 2nd book launch. Exciting times.
Good question, the evil genius. I hope yours is vanquished soon!
I'm sure the blog party will be, well, a blast. LOL. Congrats to Alex J Cavanaugh on the release of his sequel. :-)
Have a great week, Jennifer. Smooches to Charlie.
Sounds like a stonking story for Alex. Charlie is a kindred spirit with my Borage!
Evil genius for me is my self doubt ;O)
Nice! Congrats to Alex!
Ah, the dreaded writer's block. I know it well.
And yay for Alex. I get him tomorrow.
LOL! I love your furry writer's "block." And woo hoo for Capt. Alex on his latest release. It sounds even better than the last one, which is waiting on my Kindle for me to read.
Must catch up w/that TBR pile... :p
Have a super week, honey! <3
Congrats to Alex and big kisses to Charlie too!
I'm hosting Alex today. What a great series. I loved CassaStar and can't wait to dig into CassaFire. :)
My evil genius is Miss Procrastinator.
Hooray for Alex! I have my post ready for tomorrow, too!
Hilarious pic of Charlie!
Yay - more chums for Alex's party!
Hi Miss Kitty. I began to think Charlie is writing this blog. He looks pretty laid back in front of that computer screen. Happy March!!
Writer's block--now there's a clever evil genius to choose! It's definitely an intelligent evil, based on the number of times it's stopped me when I really wanted to write. LOL.
Thanks for participating in the blogfest! :)
Charlie's favourite spot: whereever is most inconvenient for the staff.
And Charlie
I was so afraid she was going to say you!
Aren't you Lovely?
I have chosen you for a Lovely Blog award!
Come check it out:
McGuffy's Reader
Charlie looks really excited about the blog party. lol :D
That's a great evil genius! I didn't get my comptuer back in time to participate in the blogfest.
Yay for Alex!
Congrats to Alex on his release.
This is an evil, evil, evil genius you chose. ;)
Writer's block is truly evil - usually stemming from doubt.
Writer's block is a killer :-( but bet Charlie inspires!
Yay for Alex - how exciting! And at least your writer's block is cute and fluffy!
Mum says she has writer's block when she is doing our blog!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We are so glad that Alex has come out with a new one. Charlie, good plan, don't move until those treats show up. Miss Kitty, we hope that Writer's block gets unblocked really soon. Maybe Spring will break it all up. Take care.
Oh yes, writer's block is indeed a very evil genius!
And a massive YAY for Alex and CassaFire!
Congrats to The GOlden Eagle:)! Writer's block is a pain!
Charlie must surely have the answer for your writers block! Congrats to Alex!
Oooo...that is a good one...writer's block. My evil genius is my Dystonia. Happy March to you, Old Kitty!!!
Move for extra treats...too funny!
Nicely done :D
Sorry about your writer's block. Hope you find the inspiration you need to get back to it. Good luck and hugs!
Yay for Alex and CassaFire!
Charlie should write his own book. He's filled with a philosophy that I can appreciate. I don't think I'm moving without treats from now on!
Happy Launch Day to Alex.
Yeah. I am just glad I can tamp down that inner evil genius. Who knows what would break loose in my writing if I let the dark side out?!
writer's block is evil alright :) Beautiful cat though!
My evil genius is ... top secret!
Blame it on the cat: works for me. Lovely cat!
Hi Old Kitty .. Charlie looks in the lap of computer luxury - not sure why you bother with the computer .. there'd be more space for Charlie?
Then there'd be no Evil Genius ..
Alex is everywhere so am sure he's having one great party ..
Cheers Hilary
I love blogfests, blog parties, any kind of celebration :D
Congratulations to Alex! I'm hopping over to his blog to check out all the action. Next one is yours Old Kitty!
what a beautiful cat
Who cares about Writer's Block when you have a Charlie to cuddle ;-) x
Charlie looks like he's not budging; he's set for the day.
Your writer's block will be over in no time, Old Kitty.
Charlie sure looks like he's in the lap of luxury.
And, Old Kitty, your writer's block will be gone before you know it.
There's been a total eclipse of your keyboard! Must be that nefarious genius Charlie.
Charlie, you can bring the treats and we will lounge all day for belly rubs.
Adorable Charlie looks like he's guarding your computer from the evil genius Writer's Block. Hurray for Charlie.
That's a great pick for an evil genius! Writer's Block, the big bad meanie!
Congrats to Alex on his book launch party. I'll head over to his site right now. Have a great week, OC!
Oh I know that evil nemesis very well. Writers block seems to make it's round among the best, Jen. Hope your muse will make it go away soon!
I think by now, I know ALL about writer's block :D
Super! Congratulations to Alex!
We all struggle with Writer's Block, don't we!
Yay for Alex. He is doing SO well. I've begun his book and the writing FLOWS.
Jen sends her love. We both hope you and Charlie are having a GREAT week!!
Ann Best, Memoir Author of In the Mirror & Imprisoned
I have to agree with, Mark. It appears the only thing blocking your writing is Charlie! What a delightful photograph :)
Give him the treats, he deserves them I bet. :P
Oh to surrender ourselves to relaxation like Charlie can. We wouldn't concern ourselves with an evil genius and just dream on. Love
Oh Charlie - what a cutie you are!
Don't you just love how Charlie (or any cat) likes to sit right in front of the keyboard?
Congrat's to The Golden Eagle and to Alex....
Writer's block is evil....I agree!
Yay for Alex! So great to have blogging friends at a time like this. :)
Charlie has provided literal writer's block. Too cute to move.
YaY for Alex!
How cool! We're starting to get back into science fiction and this looks like a good book to read. Congrats to Alex for launching a sequel!
Me buys your furend's books! Me can't wait to gets started.
Love, TK
PeeEss- gud blocking Charlie!
I understand writer's block only too well but you, my friend, always have something fun and ingenious to say on your every blog post! I love your posts and it is so good to back reading them again after a 6 month hiatus!
I'll have to download this
OH MY! If Alex's wish for you comes true...you'll have Daniel Craig for Christmas...that gives mom the delicious shivers. xoxox
Hmm only for treats huh?
Yay for Alex!
I love Mrch :)
Congratulations on their second year bloganniversary! How much fun is that!
I hope they are having a cake and possibly some candy!
That Alex is one busy guy.
Charlie, we love your style!
Yay for Alex and boo for writers block!
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