I stink! Literally! Just like my bad poetry!
I’ve not had any hot water for the last 6 days. Yes, during the coldest snap in all of the UK.
Tomorrow the plumber arrives. With his big wrench. Ahem.
Charlie says: I clean my foot before I taste the glittery ball. (No he didn’t!)

Of course I look forward to struggling to reach my front door for the amount of Valentine’s cards I’m going to get through the post! LOL!
Also over at lovely Kim's Musings on a Small Life, she's contemplating going over to the Dark eSide and buy an e-reader other than Kindle. Post here. She lives in Canada! Don't let that put you off! LOL! But seriously! All I can think of is that other e-readers have covers you can flip open! I like that! Any e-reader thoughts to share please?
We shall see y’all on the other side!
p.s. I don't really stink - I boiled lots of water for my daily ablutions! LOL!
Kitty friends!
Yes, tis I, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! I had to cover my nose before commenting. Yet your pawsting made scents, I mean sense......Actually, I have no idea what I mean. BOL and Arf! Arf!
We have three ereaders in our house, a Kindle, Nook, and Kobo. We like them all. Hope you get some hot water soon.
Oh NO!! Six days? So wait--did your pipes burst because of the cold--or your hot water heater go out--like ours did? You poor thing! After away, living like they did in the real olden days gets kinda old, huh? :) I hope the plumber with the big wrench, fixes the problem- in the meantime, I bet Charlie is doing some extra purrin' for you!!
Brrr. It must have been cold without hot water! Good to hear the plumber will be there tomorrow.
I've never used an ereader, so no thoughts on that; though it will be interesting to see where things head with all the competing devices on the market.
What a pain it must be not having hot water! We use an iPad and the Kindle app as our eReader. We also have a Kindle and a Color Nook, but still use the iPad mostly. Howdy Charlie!
Oh no, what an inconvenience! You don't know what you've got til it's gone. We hope you get into hot water soon!
Pee Ess - our Mom has a Nook from Barnes and Noble. We hate that thing, her nose is always in it! She lufs it, though.
When I was younger, I lived in a camp trailer for awhile, and had to boil water to hang in a bucket over my head. Fun times.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and Charlie.
My mom is crazy about ebooks right now !!! that's why I really hard to get her to do blogging for me ! Bad Bad Mom ! she download free e-books more than 20 a day !!! it took her years and years to finnish all those books ! but she love ibook and kindle. and the great website about books is here.
and your mom can add me http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/7556450
if she is already have an account there ( Mom Trish is here too )
too bad we can't bathe like cats :b
We were without water and power for days after the tornadoes......a hot bath was amazing!
Hey GirlFren, if you lived closer, Jilda's brother is a plumber and he could have had the hot water flowing post haste.
eReaders I want to think are evil....but alas, I don't think they are.
Jilda has an iPad and I bought her one of those leather covers that flips over and protects the screen.
Reading magazines and other stuff is really easy. When the type is to small, you just scrunch it up to the size that works.
I still like the feel and smell of books, and the sound they make when you turn the page.
happy monday Charlie and Jenn
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow family
Kitty, sorry you have no hot water! And I'm sure you don't stink. Did Daniel Craig send you a Valentine?
Hey, I'm from Canada! ;)
That said, I'm sorry the weather has been horrible there. I hope things clear up soon.
May his big wrench get the job done with complete satisfaction! Too bad were not like cats and can't just give ourselves a nice bath. :-)
Hugs on the plumbing problems and all the best with the plumber!
BTW, congrats! You won the Tracy Sumner Giveaway at http://romancebookhaven.blogspot.com/2012/01/historical-author-tracy-sumner-with.html
Please contact Tracy for your book!
Heheh ... Valentine's Day and ... I have to go to the hospital ...
Heheh ... perhaps, I'd meet a gorgeous handsome DOC for a change ...
Heheh - hoping, wishing ... :))
Well, just in case IF a gorgeous, tall, handsome, maybe a little bald DOC sweeps me off my feet tomorrow, here's me wishing you and Charlie - A Very Happy Valentine's Day!!
P:S: Must not let my DH reads this! YIKES!
What a nuisance not to have water - we take such things for granted until we have to cope without them.
I hope the plumber and his big wrench bring satisfaction and you're soon able to get all hot and steamy!
Six days without hot water? I'd be going crazy. When I get a bad chill I MUST get into a tub of hot water to get rid of it. We're in a cold snap here in Colorado too, so you have my deepest sympathies.
Hi Old Kitty - oh my goodness - how awful .. and I hope the plumber sorts it quickly for you.
Happy waiting for the Valentine's Day cards - they'll all be for Charlie surely?!
Your week certainly has to improve on last week - especially if you stock up on chocolate for tomorrow to ward off the lack of Valentine cards syndrome ..
Good luck - Hilary
Oh, here's to having hot water again! What an inconvenience. Six days? Why has it taken so long for a plumber to show up? Aacckkk! Good luck...Beware the plumber's (butt) crack.
I really am on the fence about a dedicated e-reader versus a tablet. Lots of time to think about it--I'm not in any rush. :-)
P.S. I just want to add that Blogger is driving me crazy with it's word verification problem. Grrrr!!!!
Oh Fragrant Kitty, that is awful to be without hot water and heat during such a cold snap. I'm glad the plumber is due with his large wrench and big muscly arms to sweep you off your feet.
Charlie Watch Out - Keep that glittery ball safe from his big manly boots.
Ouch, it's been pretty cold here, I hope you get your hot water back soon. I don't have an ereader but I think if I was to get one, it would either be a Kindle or a Kobo. I do have ebooks on my computer though.
Poor you. Please tell me you have hot water again!
I might break down and get an ereader for texts to download for school and to have my manuscripts read to me while I look at them on a non-backlit screen.
I hope your water issues get solved today! You are going to so enjoy a nice hot shower!
Not to worry about stinking, we sure can't smell way across the pond. Hope you get your hot water back though. Good boy Charlie for cleaning that paw. Hope all of you have a good week with water. Take care.
Oh how we sympathise with you - we have been OK this winter (I wish I hadn't put that in case it's tempting fate!) Last winter was a different thing - isn't it amazing what you can do with a cup of hot water!! We hope Charlie is keeping you warm with lots of cuddles.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
What a terrible week not to have hot water... it was freezing last week! Yikes. Glad you still got your daily ablutions and whatnot sorted. :)
Oh, thank you for that happy non-stinky ending to your story. But I hope the hot water comes back on!
I'll check out that ereader post - I'd like to encourage her to the dark side. ;)
Did my last comment work? This is a test...well, if it didn't I said that I hope the hot water comes back on soon, glad your not stinky and I'm going to go coax the the Canadian over to the dark side. ;)
Oh, dear, we have been without hot water for 2 days......are praying we don't have to wait 4 more days!!!!!!!
Florence Nightingale said, "With two pints of water and privacy, any woman may be clean."
I leave that thought with you...
"don't let that put you off"--LOL! :D What a terrible, TERRIBLE thing to be without hot water! omg, I would die. Glad you're getting that fixed. :p As for ereaders, I do love my Kindle, but I did have to buy a cover separately... Help? :o) <3
Cats have it much easier to be a cat when there's no water. So sorry about the cold situation in the UK.
No water?!!! Poor you
I've got a kindle (correction: currently MIA) and love it. Of course it will never replace book but it is easy to use and lightweight.
When I was a kid our well would go dry pretty regularly during the winter months. I remember all too clearly performing my ablutions in boiled (and also borrowed) water. You have my complete sympathy!
Hi Old Kitty, I love books so much that I could never love e.readers. I'm more an on the settee, feet up with cup of tea reader. Charlie looks spotless, ready for his valentine's. Hope you cope with your stack that will no doubt pop through the letterbox tomorrow.
I LOVE my Kindle. I resisted the e-reader pull for quite a while, but I must say...they are awesome!! :-)
I'm not into the e-reader thing just yet. I probably get either a kindle or a nook. Though I'd bet I'd just cheap out and get a droid tablet with a nook app.
Said I'd never get one, but I did last year. I love books and my Kindle. I've converted two non-believers already, so maybe you'll be next.
Oh dear no hot water- yikes!
We are hoping that gets cleared up very quickly. 6 days is long enough.
I have an iPad and use the Kindle app. LOVE it. Love the iPad, never thought I would but do, It is used far more than any other device I have.
Hope you get your water fixed soon, we can sympathise because we have had boiler problemss for weeks but all fixed now thankfully. Mum has a kindle and loves it, she is though miffed that they are down in price by a large ammount since she got hers. mum has a flip cover that also stands up and it works just fine. You wont regret it if you get one as they are great.. Hugs GJ xx
Frozen pipes and no water--have lived through that one several times, and you have my complete sympathy!
My daughter gave me a Kindle for my 60th b-day. Enjoy it immensely.
I hope you get your hot water soon! Brrrr.
My kindle changed my life...I no longer have to carry around 5kg of books everywhere
I've heard good things about the kindle fire and admit I have a longing for one but sadly, not the purse to afford one. 6 DAYS!!! That's terrible! I'd be dying for a hot shower.
Charlie's lucky he doesn't have to concern himself with such things.
Brrr! Thank goodness the plumber will fix this asap so you can enjoy a hot/warm shower. eReader? I'm not going over the dark eSide ;) I'm happing flipping pages.
I have an emergency supply of water. So far in my long life I've never been without running water for even a full day. Glad you boiled lots of water! So's Jen!!
I have a Kindle that's just a plain reader - no touch technology on it - that's very easy on the eyes. I also have a color Nook, the first eReader I bought. I got Jen the Kindle Fire for Christmas 2011 and she LOVES it, especially since I figured out how to get all of her music onto it from the CDs that I had put on iTunes to transfer to her iPod, which IPod I now own! How's that for eReaders. That's it. NOT upgrading. Nothing. Nada. I won't buy another one unless one of these breaks. I won't replace the iPod, it's the worst of the four. KindleFire is the best. Interestingly enough, I've begun reading some print books again. There's something about turning pages easily from front to back, or flipping through them, and seeing more words at one glance - if this makes sense. But I still like the eReader; didn't think I would.
Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs
Oh man! No hot water? I'd be going crazy! Here's to hoping Mr. Plumber man is fast and efficient. :)
And Happy Valentines Day! Best of luck working through that pile of mail. :D
Hope your pipe got fixed by now. You know what I hate about technology. Just when you settle on something, they come out with something niftier.
Sorry about the plumbing problems, especially during a cold spell. That figures! Thanks for the chuckles, though. I love your humor! I have a Kindle and love it. I've never tried any other e-readers and can't afford a new one, so I'll stick with it. I love making the text bigger and giving my eyes a break!
We had to get the furnace fixed last week. And our hot water tank die last year. I feel your pain!!!!
Eek what a time to pick to have no hot water! Hope it's all fixed soon x
Hello Lovely Old Kitty. Yikes - to be without hot water is a pain in the (water)butt! I hope the man with the Big Wrench sorts it out for you. (If I was at school I'd type - 'and the heating!' but I'm all grown up these days. Ahem.)
I have a kindle, which I won on DJ Kirkby's blog before Christmas. It is very nice indeed and I can see its usefulness but I'm still a paperback sort of gal.
Poor you.. no hot water.. UGH! that is the worst... I have a kindle for several years, and I love it...
OMKitty! Are you kidding us. NO hot water for six days! WOW! That is horrible. We had no hot water this morning again... I think I need a new water tank however, I just push that red button again and it will work for two days or so. Nothing like you though. six days...I would have called for another plumber! LOL
Happy Valentines Day! That was funny...I would love to have that problem...so many cards...hehehe
Oh my gosh--no water!? I couldn't survive! I shower in the morning and take a bath in the evening and drink about a gallon besides... I hope it is back on, now!
No reader at our house - just books. Hope your hot water comes back on. No fun roughing it like that. Please stay warm and safe. Happy Heart Day.
So do you have hot water again? goodness, you've all had it bad this month! take good care of yourself and I will be thinkin' of you and hoping for warmth...
We're heard about the U.K. weather from our friends there and send warm purrs. Happy purry V'day with lots of love from Merlin, Odin, Gris Gris, Domino and mom, Layla.
Stopping by to wish you and Charlie a Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh, my! Hope your hot water is back on. I'd be boiling water, too!
Hope you're having a lovely week. Take care...:)
Charlie and "Old Kitty", glad to hear you've finally got hot water again.
And Happy Valentine's Day!
"The Boys" and I finally got Internet again...we were without since last Thursday.
Oh Dear! You're having to bath like we did when I was a kid in England. We had to boil water and fill a big tub to have a bath.
I hope you get everything fixed up soon.
Happy Valentine's Day, Jennifer and Charlie!
I hope that problem will get fixed soon. The kitty cat looks great. I guess he is not very concerned.
We know you boiled water. I hope the plumber with the "big wrench" got there. I always knew they had "plumbers cracks" but thanks for warning about the big wrench.
Wishing you lots and lots of Valentines.
Love this day
Oh my gosh I can't imagine life without hot water!! Yikes!
And I LOVE my kindle. I find reading real books clunky now.
Sorry to hear about the hot water problems! Hopefully, things are fixed by now.
Whew, I was beginnin' to worry 'bout your hygiene there for a second!
Woohoo for great plumbers, I hope your hot water flow soon and very soon.
We once went six weeks when remodelin' for a tankless to come in. I do have to say...it was worth the wait.
God bless ya and have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!!
I hope winter eases for you in the UK. I thought I had it bad (my mommy I mean) while she lived in Europe and other Countries in winter but nthing like what is happening now.xoxoxo HUGS
I remember boiling water on cold days just to have a warm bath. Not fun.
I'll check out the link. I read on my Kindle, iPad, and phone. I've doubled my reading this way since it's easier to carry these than books around. Also, I like how the font is changeable, so no more small type for me. My Kindle looks most bookish since it has a cover that flips open.
I hope your water is fixed by now!!!
My family bought me a Kindle about a year and a half ago and I love it. :)
Oh oh, well if you get snow, you can have a melt bath in front of the erm radiator! Hope your plumber works fast and cheap. Meow to Charlie!
I suppose it would be easier if we could keep clean like our kitties. But I'm not that flexible. And, well, eeeew.
; )
No experience on e-readers here. My stepson has a nook, but uses it only for facebook. The rest of us are ipad and Mac fanatics.
Happy Valentines Day!
Katie and Glogirly
No hot water would be pretty tough, especially under your circumstances. These days I even brush my teeth with warm water. I must have bad circulation because I get cold and it's not even really cold here like it is where you are.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Glad you cleared that stinky bit up. lol Wow, what a bummer! Maybe have Charlie bathe you in his cat spit. lol ;)
No hot water for 6 days??? Not good, especially during a cold snap. I hope the plumber worked his magic.
As for e-readers. I have an ipad that I use for many things, including reading. I've downloaded the Nook app as well as the Kindle app, so I'm all set.
I hope you have your hot water back by now! Did you lose heart also? Brrr...it has been so cold in Europe but we have had a nice mild winter for a change.
I hope you had a wonderful valentine's day, Jenn! If I had your address I'd have sent you a Valentine! ♥
PS: I had a Kindle and ended up giving it to my daughter as I prefer reading a book. I just couldn't get used to it. I love my books too much!
You have my sympathy. The other day, the mains to the geyser burst and we were left without ANY water for days.
At least with the cold snap you won't be as sweaty and smelly as you would be down this way!
Cant survive without my morning hot shower.
Oh the kindle is the best. I have a cover on mine so it protects the screen and flips over, just like a book. It even talks to me if I put on the text to speech....something I only learned last Friday...and I have the thing 14 months. That will tell you my savviness with technology. Anyhow...hope you have enough room on the mantle for all the cards you recieved.
Oh no! No hot water is the pits!
Charlie seems totally unfazed, as usual!
I love my e-reader, but I also love to hold an actual book in my hands too. It's all good. :)
Gah - just catching up with this - hope you now have hot water and plenty of it!
Ugh, I don't know how you've managed to stand it. I just feel gross without daily showers.
Sounds like your plumber has just the right tool for the job!
That sounds horrid-I could not imagine-I am sure you do not stink-it is too cold to stink-I hope you are staying warm.
Wow, you're cat is my cat's stunt double!
Be weary of plummers brandish big wrenches! LOL. I just had to say that. Daniel Craig would be so lucky to get someone like you...even a little stinky.
I'm a kindle and IPad lover, all the other ereaders just look the same to me, they all have the same features
Oh gawd that happened to us once when N3S was a toddler It takes a surprising number of pots of water to bath a small child never mind the adults too. Hope you have hot water on tap again soon.
No hot water is a very bad thing!
Charlie just makes do with his usual way of getting in a bath...
hello there kitty,
This is Isis, Hansel's Aunt And where ben lives. thank you for stopping by my blog!!
I hope the hot water is back, Jen! I remember I had thrown a big hissy fit the last time it happened to me, lol (about 4 years back- 4 days without hot water!)... I see you are handling it 'much' better than I did!
Hope the hot water is back! Your cat is so adorable! We've got four new additions to our Kitty family!
Obrigada..Gostei da sua visita...
I note speek Inglis..rss..
mas vou vir aqui de muitas vezes,
seu blog é lindo e esse cat branquinho muito fofo..
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