Well, my evil genius is my writer's block:

28 February sees the launch of the sequel to CassaStar by the yummy Alex J Cavanaugh!

The detection of alien ruins sends the exploration ship to the distant planet of Tgren. If their scientists can decipher the language, they can unlock the secrets of this device.
To complicate matters, the Tgrens are showing signs of mental powers themselves; the strongest of which belongs to a female pilot named Athee. Forced to train Athee's mind Byron finds his patience strained. All Byron wanted was his privacy….
Please visit Alex here! There's a chance to win a special CassaFire goody bag! There'a also a trailer here!
CassaFire will be available from 28th Feb here:
Barnes and Noble , Amazon, Amazon Kindle
This post will be up all week so thank you so much for reading! Happy March!!!