Monday, 25 June 2012

Fruits of my labour

Bloggie friends!

Here is my first crop of strawberries fresh from my potted strawberry plant! Yay!

Er... I didn't mean to advertise the brand of honey! Whoops! LOL!

Charlie says: I help you write your story with my back foot.

Pic taken 23rd June! He is so himself again - playing, jumping, eating, playing, jumping!

Unfortunately Charlie's tested positive for the calici virus. Will see the vets soon to discuss his palliative care. In the meantime, I write, write like the wind!

Have a great week, everyone!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Slowly and steadily

Bloggie friends!

Heeeere’s Charlie!!

Pic taken yesterday (17 June), six days after his dental surgery, minus three teeth!

Apparently he was “very grumpy” at the vet’s! Yay!

Thank you all so much for sending purrs and healing hugs!

You – especially lovely Kim of Fuzzy Tales and gorgeous Theresa Milstein – ROCK!

We’re not quite out of the woods yet.

The vets are testing Charlie for the “calici-virus” (a type of cat-flu) even as he is up to date with all his vaccinations and boosters. These only suppress certain viral strains of cat flu, not all. I won’t know the result for another 18 days.

So to keep my mind positive, I have been writing like crazy and have re-written 10,897 words of my current manuscript - one I started in 2006! Yikes!

I swear, in a previous life I was a giant tortoise. Or a sloth! But these fabulous creatures always got to wherever they needed to go to in the end, didn’t they? :-) Slowly and steadily. Like Charlie's recuperation!

Have a great week, everyone!

p.s. Happy Father's Day to all dads!

Monday, 11 June 2012

Molars and Morality

Bloggie friends!

I’m slightly on edge this week as Charlie goes in for some major dental surgery tomorrow (Tuesday)! I’m sure he’ll be fine (minus a couple of teeth) but I doubt I will be until I have him home!

Charlie says: I sleep now.

Pic taken yesterday, 10 June.

Have a peaceful week everyone!

p.s. I’m also saddened by the death of Barry Unsworth. I will never forget how I found myself sobbing in a packed train on my way to work while reading his Sacred Heart. It’s still the most heartbreaking, most moving, most profound of historical novels I’ve ever read. It's a book that questions the morality of profit especially when profit is to be had through the exploitation of human beings.

So, RIP, Mr Unsworth and thank you for your gorgeous prose.

Monday, 4 June 2012

A Jubilicious anthology for a good cause!

Bloggie friends!

On a wet and wild Jubilee weekend...

Charlie asks what else is there to do?

Except perhaps cuddle up to a bold and brave anthology like this!

Where I have a little story of unrequited love in it inspired by Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance!

All proceeds to this book will go to One in Four – a registered charity which provides support and resources to people who have experienced sexual abuse and sexual violence.

It’s only 99p = available here!

For the US, please go here, where it's only $ 1.55!

And the best is that not only are proceeds going to a great charity, Caroline Smailes (details here) who started this project got Nik Kershaw to write the intro to this anthology!

Nik Kershaw!!! Ahem!

May your week be full of music and stories!