Bloggie friends!
Rumour has it that most of the UK will have sunny warm weather this week!
Dare I paint my toenails, pack my winter boots away and bring out my summer sandals?!?!
Yes I dare!
Charlie says: I deaded the mouse.

In the meantime, my characters are demanding I put some Latin phrases in their proper context in my current story. Sigh!
p.s. anyone notice how Blogger these days puts up posts in silly font!??! Double sigh.
Have a lovely week everyone!
Haha, that's such a cute picture! And Latin? I'm not sure how to figure out how to put those words in proper context! Maybe it would help if I could speak Latin...
Have a great week, too!
You mean instead of silly walks we have silly fonts?
Dare to put away that winter stuff!
And Latin phrases? You brave woman you!
Ha, this is British weather. Since when have the forecasters got it right?
It's gonna snow!
You're a brave gal! Take that risk :) It was scorching here today - 32C/90F. Way too hot for me! Hope your weather is gorgeous!
Blogger seems to be exhibiting LOTS of silliness lately!
I haven't noticed any font problems, but I just use the default font and don't play with it. I've had very mixed weather where I am. One day it's really sunny the next there's rain. Yay for Spring.
What? Decent weather coming up? Did you note that after the government said we were in a "drought", we had the wettest April on record?
Now then, where are my shorts?
Take care eh,
I painted my toenails pink yesterday and this weekend has been almost summery :)
no funny fonts but blogger seems to like to rotate my piccies without my permission ...grrr.
And yay Charlie! Kill that mouse!
amaybe you could paint Charlie's nails too! Hey Charlie, just kidding pal!
Sunshine in the UK? I thought it rained all the time!
Blogger's acting up again? If a site could be schizophrenic, I'd say Blogger needs meds....
Sunshine and sandals, hurray!
Good job Charlie!
Best of luck with the writing.
Hope your weather gets nice Kitty. Ours has been so warm I was brave and planted all my flowers and summer vegetables.
And yes, the Blogger font switch is bugging me too.
What shade did you paint your claws? purrs
We're supposed to have a lot of sunshine here in Maine, too! It'll make gardeners out of all of us :)
Enjoy stepping into the warmer rays!
Tom xx
I hope you have a lovely week also, and that you get to show off your painted toenails!
Oh, it sounds like you're going to have great weather, indeed! Yay for summer sandals! I wore sandals today, and it was divine! :)
Great job deading that mouse, Charlie!
Whoa, Charlie, you have been exercising hard 'dead-ing' the mouse! :)
having a terribly hot/humid victoria day weekend this side of the pond, not to mention some mucky-muck brits invasion...
i almost regret coming back to bolgspot... nothing's the same since i first came here, back in 2005! GRRR
yeay for summer!!
p/s: we always had summer here
BoBo Salem
Meow Meow Family
Dare to go barefoot, Old Kitty darling! And good for Charlie for deading a mouse. My cat is slowly deading my living room rug with her nails.
Latin tags sound WILD! Love to you Charieand keep here nose to the grindstone:-)
Enjoy the sun, it's on its way here too, finally:)
Before I post I highlight everything and make sure everything's in default mode.
Yay for summer. I don't know anything about Latin phrases, though. The few phrases I know I would have to look up again since I don't use them.
Oh, you're living on the edge, packing away your winter boots. LOL.
Charlie, good for you! Er, that wasn't a real mouse, was it?
Good luck wrangling with your characters, and with Blogger. I set mine up, when I started blogging, to post in a certain font. If you go into the template and look under the settings there (possibly under "advanced" settings), you'll find where to set your font preferences. Just be aware that when you change your template (background image, colours, etc), it changes some of your settings too, and you have to redo them.
How wonderful that you will have good weather now!
Charlie is gorgeous!
wow Charlie, you are skilled at hunt mouse, even in dreams!
I'm crossing my paws here to have good weather this week in Luxembourg as well!
purrs and love
Yay, for sun. My good friend near New Castle should be in a good mood. :) Enjoy the weather.
I've got blogger-gremlins at the moment affecting my ability to edit posts :O(
Good luck with the Latin, sounds intriguing.
Charlie is such a sweetie!
Good hutning with the mousie, Charlie! We hope the weather forecast is accurate! Here, when the local weather centers says rain, it will be HOT and vice versa!
Blogger was being silly when Mommy put up our post this afternoon. We hope it's only temporary. Silly Blogger.
We're supposed to have RAIN all week. So enjoy your sunny weather!
We hope it is painted toenails and sandals Jenn but alas we think the weather men and ladies sometimes tell us porkie pies!! Let's hope it's one of their good days and we do get some much wanted sunshine.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Well, I hope your writing goes well. Or as they say in Latin: Scribere bene!
And, I hope you have the weather you're looking for.
Paint your toenails, but DON'T put the boots away. If you put them away, it will snow. If you leave them where you could easily get them, the weather will stay nice. There is some sort of rule that way. Don't wash any cars, either--that causes rain. *giggles about characters demanding Latin*
Deaded a mouse huh? I bet none of those characters can do THAT! HA!
I wish the rain would stop where I live. It gets crazy at nighttime
Charlie's thinking this is a nice place for base camp, and he'll push for the summit tomorrow.
paint those toenails! We're rumoured to have three whole days of sun:) Wonder what that will feel like, happy writing old kitty!
Oh my god, if we actually get good weather... Fingers crossed! I'd love to put away my winter wardrobe!
Well done, Charlie! :D And yay for sunny weather and painted toenails! I always appreciate the warmer weather when it's time to shave... :p
You have a fabulous week! And oh. Latin. ;o) <3
Clever Charlie!
I'd go for it with the toenails ... the weather might be back to normal by next week :-) You have a great week, too, and best of luck with the latin !
Latin phrases, huh? Have fun with that. Also, yay for good weather. =D
We're glad you've made short work of that mouse. Deady is good.
And anytime you want to show off your painted toenails, Old Kitty, we're ready.
Good for you on making short work of that mousie.
And Old Kitty, any time you want to show off those painted toesies, we're ready.
Good for you! Might do mine, too ...
Great picture of Charlie! I already put away winter. LOL
What a great hunter you are Charlie!!!
Sunny warm weather - I'll believe it when I see it!
I love Charlie's words of wisdom and the lovely pictures of him.
My favourite font has vanished from Blogger! x
Great job, Charlie! That mouse looks pretty darn dedded!
Yes, dig out those sandals and summer clothes! It feels so good to wear mine. It's going to be another hot day here in California. I'm lost as to how Blogger works. It's such a challenge for me! Good luck with the current WIP!
Yes, paint those toenails. even if no one ever sees them, you will feel sassy.
You took our sun! We have rainy weather all week here in DC.
But I'm loving that picture. "Deaded the mouse" indeed. LOL! Too cute.
Here comes the sun. Doobie doo doo. Here comes the sun and I say, it's alright!
No I didn't see that about Blogger. What in the world are they doing THAT for? And Charlie, with that black tail..your peerlessly white fluffy mom is entranced. We BOTH admire that you dedded the mousie. xoxoxox
Hey Kitty, I'm also going to paint my toenails, and pack away boots. Time to get out flip flops. Cute Charlie is a good boy keeping mousies at bay. Enjoy your gardening and poems and sunshine....xxxxx
YOU look so adorable!
we hope you get your wish and have some terrific weather...ours is heading towards the 90's this week. OUCH.
May the sun continue to shine!!!
Charlie looks very proud of himself.
So happy you're getting some sandal weather! We're getting rain now, but we've had a lovely stretch of sun the last few days.
Have a happy, sun-filled week!
Hi, Charlie. Looking regal there on the steps. You turn any spot into a throne.
Wait! It's time to put polish on my nails? Yikes! I'm just not ready for this yet and my toenail are definitely not. What color does Charlie prefer? I'm thinking Chinese Red.
Glogirly's wearing her painted toes again. They smell even worse now. heh heh
We've not been struck by the evil font gremlin. I'm sure there will be some PG language if they do!
; ) Katie
I am gonna paint my toe nails this week too!!!! Probably GREEN!!!
OMC Charlie REALLY "deaded a mouse?" Ewwwwwww!!
I say Live On the Wild Side..paint your toenails, pack the winter boots and clothes..Be Free!!!!!!
Charlie..way to go Dude!!!!!!
Your furiends,
Chloe, Cecil, Winston and Mom Shawn
I hope you have some sunshine this week, Jennifer. We need a bit of rain and NO wind here. Although I'll settle for sunshine. :)
beautiful cat its big
Yeah for the toes!!
Yeah for the warm weather....
But most importantly, Yeah for Charlie and his mouse victory :)
Kitty acho que ainda não deves de arrumar as botas! mas as unhas se pinta todos o ano
O sol anda a brincar com as nuvens de chuva...
Ronrons da amiguinha
It's always so funny to read blogs where everyone is preparing for summer while I'm still trying to decide on when I will go buy myself a black pair of boots for winter. :-D
We're having weather in 90s this weekend--I'm packing away my heavy stuff:)!
Yep, I do believe that Blogger has definite multiple personalities these days and might, just might be a tad bi-polar! 'Just sayin'!
Woohoo!!! I sure hope your wonderful weather panned out. If not...I'll send ya some of mine!
God bless ya and have an awesome day sweetie!!! :o)
Did you put your boots away, Old Kitty? I noticed today on the tube that I was the only one with a parker coat, everyone else had rightly anticipated the weather and they were wearing little blazers and light cardigans. And now I have to trail home like a sad hot thing, carrying tons of layers. Even a scarf! Yup, got it big time wrong today.
Such a cute picture!!! Oooh, latin huh? Tricky stuff. Good luck and have a great week!
No, I didn't notice the silly fonts but what I did notice is that I can be writing in my word document and make a font and when I cut and paste, the font stays the same even though blogger doesn't recognize it which I thought was bizarre.
I hope you are able to free those little piggies and give them some color: Hurray!
If I do a copy and paste into the Blogger, it removes all formatting somehow. *head desk*
Enjoy the sunshine with Charlie!
Hope the warm weather holds in the UK. :) It's been sunny here and in the 80s, so maybe it will cross over . . .
Blogger isn't giving us a silly font, but it's double & triple spacing everything we try to post on Pet Blogs United!
If only we could reach the world with a nice pen and tablet.
Pam, Oskar's mom person
Our weather keeps fluctuating. Last Tuesday I had lunch outside with a friend and got sunburned. Today it's raining, raining, raining. The good news is I like sunshine and rain. I'm ready for more sun, though.
Hope you painted the toenails! I was thinking of painting mine as well, regardless of the weather. :)
I hope you see the sun and get a little brown.
Hmmm, while you're enjoying sunny weather, we've got rain, rain, and more rain. Growl and grumble. Enjoy the sunshine!
And hurray for Charlie for conquering that mouse.
YAY Charlie! Way to go mancat.
Never stop dreaming, or acting on your dreams. There isn't much left to life, if you remove them.
Love, TK
P.S. Thank you fur your purrs fur mine sisfur Squashies. Mine mommy sure appreciates it.
I've painted my toes, put on sandals AND eaten lunch in a beer garden... so yes, this is summer! :-)
brave Charlie!
Good on Charlie for 'deading' the mouse!
Carpe Diem, I think that means sieze the fish.
I keep forgetting to pull out my sandals. I still have my winter boots out.
Gosh, I must think about painting my toenails too. But what colour - decisions, decisions? My daughter has offered me the loan of green sparkly nail varnish, but on my (more ancient) feet, perhaps not ...
Yay to sunshine, sandals, and painted toes!
Have fun with your characters. I'm very intrigued!
Take care and have a lovely week. :)
It was sunny here too! For one it is cloudy. I think I made it cloudy by rushing out and buying some summer trousers yesterday. Sorry everyone...
We need pictures of the painted toenails!
Awesome! Love pulling out the sandals and painting the toes. Glad you are enjoying a bright, sunny week!!!
My two girls love those felt mice (cats). Wow on the Latin. Blogger has been giving me 'follow' issues & has been messing with me commenting.
Yay for summer . Enjoy.
I'm just starting to pull out my boots as winter lurks around the corner
sona si latine loqueris.
Honk if you speak Latin.
Charlie you did great with the mousie :)
I'm not an expert, but if you need help with Latin phrases... Maybe I can tell Charlie, so he can tell you :)
ooo.. enjoy your lovely weather! Ah, May in England! Yep Blogger is always an adventure these days. :s
Put away the winter stuff! Get it buried! Bring on SUMMER!!!!
And I just read Alex's glowing words about you on his blog. Congratulatons!!!!
My ferrets used to that stuff like that all the time to their toys. I miss them.
Bring out the sandals but keep the boots handy. :)
Yeah, I hope you painted your toenails! Finally nice weather. We are going to have 90 degrees tomorrow then back to 70...
Have a great weekend!
PS 90 comments..LOL holy cat! That's a lot of comments !!
Your entry made me smile. I hope you are enjoying the sunny weather. I'd love to read your stories.
Just stopped by from Alex's blog to congratulate you on receiving his You Rock award, well done!
I had that very font problem with my previous post. Frustrating. And if you go in and try to make the corrections, the post can end up in even worse shape.
Enjoy the sunny weekend!
Love your decision to break out the sandals! I live in Western Washington and our weather is pretty rainy and moody - but today we have sun! I've been wearing my sandals for a few weeks now - even in the rain - I'm determined to have a good weather attitude even if the weather isn't holding up its side of the bargain. Oh, and I have trouble with silly fonts too.
Here in Southeast Texas, my boots have been packed since March. It's been pedis and cute flip-flops ever since. :)
Hopping over from Alex's blog. Nice to meet you!
Hi Old Kitty - how come you got 90 comments or should I ask Charlie - or the mouse ... but that rumour is right .. beautiful weather this little land of ours is having ... lots of red burnt bods tomorrow me thinks!
I must go and shuffle stuff around - hid that heavy cloth and shake out the cottons ..
Enjoy the weekend .. cheers Hilary
I hope you enjoyed the weather this week! And good luck with the Latin. Yikes.
Do it...let the summer sunshine!
What color are you painting your toes?! enJOY the weather and smile :D
Latin...whoah, that is Greek to me, lol
Congrats on your award, I heard you rock~ :D
Because or internet isn't working as it should :-) Ah, I am lucky to see you tonight young Charlie.. not too sure about that mousie though :-)
Make sure your mum has some sun tan lotion for your ears this weekend...
:-) x x x Going to get colder :-) :-) :-) x x x
Latin for puff ball ?
:-) x x x
The only latin I know is plant names and colours.
you won't find me with the old link, when google farted on my site, it killed all...
now, just click my avatar, or name ;)
Enjoy that weather! I understand it is wonderful at the moment.
Hope your weather warms up a bit. Friends in Uk have told us their garden have not bloomed - too cold and rainy! Sending lots of sun!
Hello sweet ones..I was so glad to see you again today, this beauiful Sunday. Did you paint your toenails yet?
Hi Kitty! It's lovely! We have sunshine all week? Really? Gosh, that's heaven! :)
Sorry I missed this post. Charlie, good boy for deading that mouse. That is such a good job. Hope all of you have a great day.
I've just painted my toe nails pink!
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend, Jenn! I finally feel like I can relax much fun having a wedding, but so much to do that it can be stressful.
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